10 Habits To Help You Thrive
Are your daily habits helping you accomplish your goals? If you answer yes, pat yourself on the back and be proud of yourself. If you answer no, then it is time to make some changes in your life so you can help set yourself up to thrive.
Our habits are what create our reality. So when we want our reality to be one that thrives, it is important to have habits that make you thrive. No matter what goals and dreams you have it is essential to have healthy daily habits that can help you can accomplish them. Here are 10 of my personal favourite thrive habits, that can help you create the reality of your dreams.
10 Habits To Help You Thrive:
1. Network
Learning how to network effectively is a habit that can benefit you not only socially, but also in your career. If you can master the art of networking, or at least have a few networking tips up your sleeve, you will be able to make connections that potentially could change your life. If you have a hard time networking or just want to freshen up your skills try taking an online networking course from Skillshare.

2. Trust Your Intuition
The younger you can start learning to trust your intuition the better. Developing the skill of trusting your gut over what other people want you to do or what people say is one of the best habits you can get into to help you thrive. It is good to listen to others’ advice, but at the end of the day, you need to follow your heart.
3. Come up with a schedule that works for you
It feels like a good amount of people in the world believe that in order to get anything done, you have to wake up at 5:00 am. I 100% disagree. I tried getting into the habit of waking up at 5:00 am, and it was horrible. Every day for three weeks I set my alarm for 4:45 am and it was not fun. I am a night owl, so waking up at 5:00 am was going against my nature. Also, I was so exhausted every day and I would need to take one, sometimes two naps. I was not as productive and was just a hot mess.
However, other people thrive when they wake up at 5:00 am – it helps them to get more done, stay focus and be productive. Is one way right and the other wrong? Absolutely not! Taking the time to figure out what schedule works for you is the key to having productive days.
Pro tip: if you can try to create your own morning and evening routine, you can use my blogs, A Guide To Creating Your Own Morning Routine, and A Guide To Creating Your Own Evening Routine to help you.
4. Write down your goals
One of my favourite habits to help you thrive is to write down your goals. If you don’t take the time to write down your goals, then they aren’t really goals but only ideas. Write out your goals, make them SMART goals, and turn them into plans.
5. Read more books
Reading is a habit that the whole world needs to get down with. I love fiction books, especially murder mysteries, but it is also important to read books that help us to learn and grow. Reading self-development books or books that can help you to reach your goals is a thrive habit that is worth doing every day.

6. Work on your money mindset
One of the most powerful thrive habits that you can develop, is getting good with your money. It is important to not only understand how money, investments, interest rates, etc. work but it is also important to make sure that you have positive beliefs about money in your subconscious.
7. Dream big – my fave habit to help you thrive
Dream big! You are on this planet to do more than work a shitty job, watch Netflix and get drunk on the weekends. Dream big and chase those dreams until they become your reality.
8. Make your health a priority
Your mental and physical health needs to be a priority no matter how old you are or what your body looks like. We only have one body and if we are not treating our body with respect and not taking care of it then we are not setting ourselves up to thrive.

9. Support Others
One of the most rewarding thrive habits is to support others. Building people up is great for the other person but it also makes us feel good, so it is a win, win, win. Try to support someone else at least once a day. You can donate to charity, help a friend in need, share local businesses content on social media, text someone and tell them you love them, pick up the phone and call to check up on someone, and more.
10. Believe in yourself
Friends, I know this is the last thrive habit, but it is probably the most important one. You need to develop the habit of believing in yourself. If you do not believe that you can do the things that you are dreaming about then you are never going to be able to achieve them. A great way to develop belief in yourself is to use positive affirmations.
I hope that this list of thrive habits helps you thrive no matter what stage of your life you are at. Remember that if you are trying your best, you are doing great.

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