December Horoscope 2020
Hello Holiday Season! I am so excited that it is the end of the year. Christmas is truly a magical time and I am personally super excited to enjoy a cozy winter. To help you end the year on the best note possible and prepare yourself for 2021, check out your December Horoscope.

The Loving Life With Cass Monthly Horoscopes are written by our in-house astrologer and one of my best friends, Selena. I am so blessed to have her in my life and I am so grateful that she is sharing her knowledge of astrology with the world. You can connect with Selena on Linkedin.

November was probably a whirlwind for you, so now it’s time to turn down the heat in your social life and focus on you. You may have been putting things you need to do for yourself on hold, and now is the time! The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 14th will give you the energy you need to spend some time in introspection and reflect on the past year – what did 2020 change for you? How have you grown as a person? This is a time of transition, you will be looking forward to stepping out as the leveled up version of yourself. Enjoy the ride for the first part of the month, because when the sun rolls into Capricorn on the 21st it will be time to slow down and focus on practical matters.

You are known for saying what’s on your mind about how you feel, and Mercury moving into Sagittarius on the 1st will heighten your need to be up-front and honest with others. You also need to be honest with yourself, as 2020 comes to a close you will be inspired to look at your beliefs and reflect on what has changed in you over the past year. Patterns that have not served your higher purpose will be even more illuminated, and as Venus goes into Sagittarius on the 15th you will feel the fire burn through the patterns you need to break.This is a month filled with positive change as long as you’re open to it, and you will have a lot to celebrate by the time we are in Capricorn season!

This year has given you the opportunity to come into your own and discover a clear direction in your life, and you’re pumped about it! You will be wanting to share your experience and your discoveries with others, especially with Gemini’s planet Mercury moving into excitable Sagittarius on the 1st. Hop on social media, start a blog, do something to release that energy. You’re going to feel like your best self, so new people & new experiences will be available to you and you should embrace it! You will find that you’re feeling a lot more elevated, which will give you the chance to grind from a more confident place as your career takes focus at the end of the month.

You’re glowing, and the ones close to you are noticing it. This is a great time to practice total honesty, remember that your truth is always valid, although it may be hard to explain it to others at times. You have gone through a major growth period this year, celebrate what you have learned about yourself in the process! You’re on the right track, keep moving forward and ensure you surround yourself with proper support networks. If you’ve had something on your mind that you’ve wanted to try, now is a great time to jump in. Venus in Capricorn on the 21st will put you in a driven mindset, you will be able to achieve your goals if you commit to it!

Your honesty is something valued by everyone, but there is a line that can be crossed when we become too careless with words. If anything, remember that vulnerability is key when revealing any personal feelings. As the end of the year approaches, take some time to examine yourself… are you living the life that is truest to yourself? Change is likely at this time if it is needed, try to remember that change is an opportunity for something greater to emerge in your life. With Venus in Sagittarius on the 15th, you will feel that inner fire flare with coy confidence and you will want to strut your stuff. Let the lion out, Leo, and enjoy yourself. Just remember not to get distracted from your goals as you have been crushing it lately. Keep shining!

Truth is your middle name, you always tell it like it is. Sometimes it’s easy to focus on the outward world consistently and neglect spending time with yourself. The New Moon rises in Sagittarius on the 14th, and it’s a great time to have some quiet reflection on yourself and the past year. Note the things that have worked for you, and keep doing them. Any patterns that are getting you stuck have been outgrown. This is a great time to give up on only being comfortable and try something that you have been afraid to. If you keep on the path of positivity, this month will go smoothly for you, and you will find yourself feeling grounded as the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st and activates your boss lady professionalism. 2021 isn’t ready for you!

If you were feeling sort of lost, Mercury in Sagittarius on the 1st of the month will be your light in the storm. You will feel the need to be more assertive and speak honestly, you never know what could happen so why not try being open? There have been many ups and downs this year, so take some time during the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 14th to reflect on the past and notice any patterns that need to be broken. Find the time and the focus you need to examine your choices and you will find going into the new year you will feel much more stability in your life.

This month marks a turning point for you. You have had to leave things behind that you never thought you would, and you’re stronger because of it. Keep living in your truth, you will feel that push to be wildly honest about your feelings during this transit. As the New Moon in Sagittarius moves across our skies on the 14th, you will feel urged to examine your life and embrace the opportunity to leave anything undesirable in the past. Venus in Sagittarius later in the month will bring new connections, be open to it and don’t let self-doubt hold you back. 2021 is going to start off on a whole new foot in your personal life and career, just keep putting yourself first kween!

Something on your mind? There usually is! Right now it may be an issue that you have ignored, and that truth needs to come out for everyone to move forward. This is your season, and you will feel energized as the New Moon in Sagittarius marks a new start. This past year brought lots of learning, it’s time to implement the needed changes into your life and break out of any destructive patterns that have dimmed your flame. Venus moving in Sagittarius will ignite the joy you bring to life once more, and those around you will benefit. Enjoy the positive vibes, but make sure to stay focused on the direction you chose for 2021.

Have you been being honest with yourself? That is who needs the most attention. You usually see things as one way, and deviation does not seem right to you. But perhaps this year, your experiences revealed some personal things you’ve held onto that have no place in your future. Take some time to assess what needs to change, and then move forward. Venus moving into Sagittarius on the 15th will give you the fuel you need to let go; break out of the strict patterns you have been living in! It’s the path of growth, so use this high energy time to branch out and step out of the comfort zone. When the Sun and Mercury both head into Capricorn around the 21st of the month, you will feel that calm focus from a different angle and be able to communicate new goals with clarity and determination. Here’s to the new you!

How often do you check in with yourself and ask, what do you need? Take some time to really reflect on that, the New Moon in Sagittarius opens up a time of change for you this month as you challenge your usual behaviour with a new outlook. Venus moving into Sagittarius will have you feeling great as you break out of your old ways and embrace your loud and proud true self. If any opportunity arises, don’t be too critical – new things are expected and welcomed. As the Sun shines on into Capricorn season, take your learnings with you to the future and find you will be able to communicate your goals clearly with others.

After lots of quiet introspection, you feel your future path slowly solidifying in front of you. Make sure you are communicating this to those in your life that need to hear it, honesty is key at this time. Your growth needs to be the forefront of your focus right now, make sure you take time to reflect and see the changes you need to make for the best in your life. With Venus moving into fiery Sagittarius, you will feel the temptation to break away from the mundane patterns in your life and pursue new relationships and experiences. It can’t hurt to mix it up! When Mercury and the Sun move into Capricorn on the 21st, you will want to focus on the future you want for yourself. Time to start the hustle.

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