January 2021 Horoscope: New Year
Happy New Year beautiful people! I am so excited for this year! I believe that the unknown holds so much potential and I am so very excited to see where this new year leads me. To help you make your way through this first month of the new year, our lovely astrologer Selena, has created the January 2021 Horoscope just for you! Scroll down to your sign and get ready for a great month filled with magic.

The Loving Life With Cass Monthly Horoscopes are written by our in-house astrologer and one of my best friends, Selena. I am so blessed to have her in my life and I am so grateful that she is sharing her knowledge of astrology with the world. You can connect with Selena on Linkedin.
Welcome to 2021! You are feeling that “new year, new me” vibe really strongly this month. By focusing on your needs in December, January will usher in motivation from a more confident and secure place. This is a future-focused month, with the Sun in Capricorn for the first part. When your ruling planet Mars transitions into Taurus on the 6th it will bring a need for seeking out authentic truths; when it comes to relationships, if you intend to see them through you will need to harness this transit’s patience and commitment to the long-term goal. If the love is real, it’s worth it!
Mercury moving into Aquarius on the 8th will fan the flames of mental independence, and your originality will bloom from innovative places – focus on this energy and use it to inspire you towards the future you seek. This energy will heighten as the Sun rises on Aquarius season January 19th and your true desires will seem much more tangible. Believe in the possibilities, you are more than capable!
Give yourself a standing ovation, you have come so far! Here we are in 2021, and you have taken huge steps to get to a mindset that truly welcomes abundance. If you did the work in December to let go of patterns that have been destructive, you can tackle this new cycle with assurance. When the planet of passion, Mars, moves into your sign on the 6th you will have a better view of what your true needs are; when it comes to love this transit will inspire your stubborn bull to be patient as you seek someone who will elevate you, not challenge you. Hold true to your standards.
Your ruling planet, Venus, transits into Capricorn on the 8th and you will feel that hustler mentality when it comes to financial/career goals. Feed this motivation by investing time with those who keep you positively focused, and keep a balanced ambition to avoid feelings of jealousy arising. January 14th is the day retrograded Uranus turns direct in Taurus, and will highlight the rewards from all the hard work you have done, whether physically or mentally, or both! You know what works for you now, stick to it and keep manifesting your best life.

Talk about a glow up! You’re breezing into 2021 with an elevated confidence in yourself and what you bring to the world. You have been ruling your social life and business communication, and there is no stopping it now. With your planet Mercury moving into original and independant Aquarius on the 8th, you will feel a surge of imagination propel you forward when it comes to social/artistic expression and you will want to share this with others. Don’t doubt yourself, people will receive this well if you present yourself with the good vibes you have been soaking up.
You have an opportunity to plant these seeds of creativity under the New Moon in Capricorn on the 13th; the theme will be setting intentions to reach your long-term goals, many of which you probably have realized over this cycle. You will have a more realized vision of how to achieve your dreams. When the Full Moon rises in Leo on January 28th, you will be challenged to find balance between what you project outwards to the world and what you keep to yourself. Trust your intuition, and stay focused on the dreams you want to manifest for yourself.
Who are you, really? This past year, you were forced to take a deeper look and reached a new place of self-knowledge. In 2021, you will be growing to whole new heights with this light of understanding fueling you. The planet of passion, Mars, moves into Taurus on the 6th of January, bringing feelings of earthy stability to your flow. This transit inspires more patience in love, and you will harness this if you deem relationships worthy. This transit will also highlight the authentic truth needed to be seen in these situations, so be sure to listen to your soul’s guidance if unsure.
The New Moon in Capricorn will be a perfect time for planting seeds of intention, and you will feel a need to focus your discipline on goals related to finance and your professional future. Commitment to solid planning will help in your manifestation of these goals, do your best to embrace this. Near the end of the month you will feel a break in the seriousness of it all with the Full Moon in Leo on January 28th. You may feel prone to emotional outbursts if you are in stressful situations; to balance this energy ensure to seek your deepest pleasures at this time and reward yourself for the work you have been putting in – you definitely deserve it!
Are you ready for 2021? Is that even a question? This past year, you have learned to embrace your true nature and be the bold leader you were born to be. The energy you harnessed in 2020 is with you in January, and kicks off with Mercury’s transit into imaginative Aquarius, inspiring your originality to take up more of a presence in your relationships and on social platforms. You will feel urged to express yourself artistically as well, shine on and invest in positive friendships as that will inspire you further.
The energy only grows with your power star, the Sun, shining in Aquarius on the 19th of the month. This change will inspire more deep-thinking on how to incorporate your dreams into your future and the urge to rebel against the societal normalcy that can cage your inner lion. Use this energy to your benefit and allow it to turn your mind from the patterns you were trapped in before. The Full Moon rising in your own sign on the 28th will give you an extra boost of self-confidence, and inspire you to find balance between what you need personally and what you give out externally. The world needs your energy, Leo, and 2021 is your time to grow into a fully-realized being. Stay true to yourself!

You’re welcoming 2021 with a new type of energy, and you can thank yourself for that. You have reflected on patterns in your life that have held you back and are ready to break free from the past, moving confidently into the life you desire. Capricorn season brought up the need to focus on your future and stability, and that continues into January, beginning with Venus joining the Sun in Capricorn. This will push you to have a more goal-focused mindset, and could involve budgeting and making solid plans for the future you want. Ambition will be a driving force, coupled with jealousy if you aren’t careful of noticing it. After a long retrograde, Uranus will turn direct in Taurus and you will start to see the fruits of your mental and physical labour. This change will also highlight anything you need to let go in your life to move towards your goals; remember to keep yourself as the person you need to please first and foremost.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, will turn retrograde in Aquarius at the end of the month, which can be very frustrating for you and lead to miscommunication and meltdowns. Keep an open mind to any new ideas you can gain to promote healthy growth for yourself at this time, and stay focused on who needs the most attention right now… you!
Being honest is hard sometimes, especially when we need to be honest with ourselves. This past year, you were forced to challenge yourself and break away from destructive patterns of thought. You’re arriving in 2021 with a refreshed sense of who you truly are, and the journey is just beginning. This month begins with the planet of communication, Mercury, moving into Aquarius on the 8th and brings a surge of innovative thinking. You will feel your social needs heighten towards more original conversations with friends about the future, the Universe, and creativity; embrace this and embrace those who support you. The theme of Aquarius’s independence and innovation continues as the Sun transits into the sign on the 19th. You will want to share new ideas and embrace new thought patterns that will have life-changing effects. You will want to rebel against the norms you were living in before, and carve out your own path based on your new sense of self. This is a huge time of growth for you if you are able to embrace and pursue these ideas regardless of outside influences.
The Full Moon in Leo on January 28th will solidify this and illuminate the need to balance what you give to the world and what you give to yourself; a perfect time to release any lingering patterns that don’t serve your higher self. Do what makes you happy, and allow the winds of change to guide your soul.
You’ve stepped into 2021 with a refreshed mind. Letting go of the past and the pain is so powerful, and you have made conscious steps this past year to do this. You will feel a sense of stability as Mars moves into steady Taurus on the 6th of January. This will remind you of the authentic truths you have deeply held when it comes to love, and will inspire a feeling of patience as you seek and embrace the love you need and deserve. Relationships worthy of your passion will flourish under this aspect.
The New Moon in Capricorn on the 13th will help you to commit to your goals and set disciplines for yourself to achieve them, inspiring a sense of logical planning to get you to where you want to be. This cycle ends with a Full Moon in Leo on the 28th and your ego will feel a boost under this transit. You will feel a sense of romantic inspiration, and the path can be blurred by these feelings. Make sure to keep your balance when it comes to your personal needs and what’s needed for others in your life. Your dreams are closer than you think, stay focused and trust in your incredible gifts to get you there.

2021 is so lucky, it gets to meet an elevated version of you! You have learned a lot about yourself and what you need to thrive this year. You have been sitting on some big ideas, and this month will give you the motivation to share these. Mercury transits into Aquarius on the 8th, giving your communication skills a creative boost. You’ve always been a free thinker, and this transit will give you the opportunity to share your ideas independant of anything that had you doubting yourself before. You will want to spread your energy around to others in your circle, and they welcome it because it is contagious.
Uranus turns direct in Taurus mid-month, and will give you some relief from all the work you’ve been putting in to move forward. Anything else that has held you back will rise to the surface, and you will need to deal with these patterns and release them to move forward for your higher self. The Full Moon rises in Leo on the 28th and ignites your self-expression further; careful to keep the balance between what you need and what those around you need as well, your actions can deeply affect others if they’re taken only for your ego. Stay true to your values, and you will see your true desires unfold before you.
Did you wave goodbye to last year or just flip it off? Either way, we’re here for it. As 2021 begins, it brings with it the fruits of stepping away from things that were not working for you before. You’re feeling confident in yourself and what you can bring to the world table, and this energy will only continue to motivate you this month – the height of Capricorn season. Venus moves into your sign on the 8th and further fuels a goal-oriented mindset; take some time to renew your budget plan, redo your vision board, whatever you feel guided to. You will feel the desire for your achievements to be recognized, which is fine, but keep an eye on any jealousy that might emerge at this time. It’s best to balance this with positive collaboration with the people who inspire and motivate you.
The New Moon in your sign on the 13th of the month is a perfect time to set goals/intentions, and you will feel resourceful in cultivating your plans for the future. Committing to new desires is welcome, trust your intuition to guide you as your soul energy will be heightened during this cycle. Uranus turns direct in Taurus during this moon cycle, and you will feel a sense of relief as you receive clarity on what needs to be left behind and what needs to be invested in in the coming year. Let those positive vibes in, and keep focused on your intentions.

2021 is your time, quite literally. The Age of Aquarius has begun, and the timing couldn’t be more perfect. You have been spending much of your energy in deep reflection, embracing your true self and searching for ways to express your new found sense of understanding. This month starts off with Mercury moving into your sign, igniting your thoughts with creativity and original expression. You are a true independent spirit, and others love that about you. Don’t be afraid to share what you’ve accomplished, it will be welcomed more than you could possibly know.
The Sun shines in Aquarius on the 19th, and you will feel a boost of social confidence and mental stimulation. The future you desire is within your reach, and it’s time to collaborate with those who can help you to get there – there’s no shame in that. The Full Moon rising in Leo is a perfect time to express yourself without boundaries you usually keep on yourself, just remember to keep your balance during this time as there will be strong ego energy. You are a creative and original spirit, allow the moon to strengthen you while also connecting you to your deeper sense of purpose.
Time is flying by, and you may have felt lost in the currents of life. The future you want has seemed far away, especially after the setbacks from last year. There are things to celebrate, you are definitely more aware of destructive thought patterns and have brought this awareness with you into 2021. As Venus moves into Capricorn on the 8th of January, you will be drawn to people in your life who uplift and motivate you, cutting out the ones who pull you under. Watch for any jealousy that may arise at this time and focus your energy on your future goals/deepest desires instead. You will want recognition, trust that it will come from the right people at the right time.
The New Moon in Capricorn on the 13th is the perfect time to plant the seeds of your intentions when it comes to finding concrete ways to nurture the dreams you have;the life you desire is within your capacity to achieve if you plan for it. Mercury turns retrograde in Aquarius at the end of the month and can add tension to your communication, take time to try and understand and be open to guidance rather than immediately rejecting it – it could aid to the fruition of your dreams.

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