February 2021 Horoscope
Hello February! Scroll down and see what is in the stars for you this month.

The Loving Life With Cass Monthly Horoscopes are written by our in-house astrologer and one of my best friends, Selena. I am so blessed to have her in my life and I am so grateful that she is sharing her knowledge of astrology with the world. You can connect with Selena on Linkedin.
Your true desires have been coming into focus for you, and this month will bring you the inspiration you may need to get you closer to where you want to be. Venus moves into Aquarius on the 1st of the month, bringing with it themes of freedom and independence, which will fuel you to set logical goals when it comes to achieving your goals. Pairing with Mercury stationing direct in Aquarius mid-month, you will have clarity regarding your path – do you have the faith to take it? You may need to reconcile with some skeletons in the closet before you move forward. Ceres, the small planet of nourishment, is in your sign on the 21st and inspires the need for living more autonomously; you will want to take control of your health and/or home life with renewed gusto. The Full Moon in Virgo at the end of the month will reveal a desperate need for balance in your life; try sticking long-term to routines that elevate you and make time to tackle any festering emotions that need to be dealt with. This Moon may illuminate a challenge, and you will see an opportunity for growth if you are able to break free from your own patterns of destruction.
Make way, you are stepping out with a brand new outlook. If you have been taking time to focus on your personal wants and needs, you will be feeling undefeated this month. Your ruling planet, Venus, moves into the eccentric Aquarius on February 1st, elevating the desire to live more independently and have your own space, or maybe even to rearrange your space. It’s time to dive in and explore your potential more deeply! The Sun rises in Pisces on the 18th birthing vivid dreams and a more fantastic imagination; you will be inspired to get more creative and more devoted to your spiritual practice or health routine. Feeling like you’re not hustling hard enough during this time is normal, try not to beat yourself up and enjoy the ride down the river. You will feel even more inspired when Venus transits into Pisces on the 25th of the month, encouraging you to practice forgiveness and unleash your inner seductress.Do what feels good for you during this time, the choices you make for your personal needs will come back to you in abundance. Try not to get frustrated with those who don’t try to understand your path, your destiny is yours alone! The Grand Earth Trine of Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus on the 28th promises fortune in a material sense, so be prepared to see the results of believing in your dreams.
When you’re on a roll, not many people can stop you. Many times, our biggest competitor is ourselves! Self-doubt loves to rear its ugly head every now and again. This month, there is a focus on comradery. By connecting and sharing with others that are on your level, you will have an outlet for your ingenuity and intellect. The New Moon in Aquarius will be a great time to seek out a group of your interest to connect with, and your democratic mind will embrace collaboration. The planet of communication and your ruler, Mercury, turns direct in Aquarius on February 20th, you will have urges to express yourself in new ways. There will be a time where you can reconcile with previously held beliefs or grudges, leaving them behind as you move forward in the great journey towards your personal freedom. Ceres moving into Aries mid-month will inspire more autonomy – break away from your norm! This means maybe putting down the pen or the book, Gemini, and getting more physical nourishment in your life. This new perspective will be solidified on the 27th with the Full Moon in Virgo shining a light on maintaining balance between your emotional needs and your daily responsibilities. Take this time to sit in the quiet of the Moon and listen to your inner guide – revelations await.

If there was one word to describe how you’re probably feeling after this past month, it would be tired. You have been practicing patience with those closest to you, and now you will be feeling the need to reach out to those outside of your current situation. Call your closest pals up – they may give you much needed advice! Support in this time is very important for you, do not be ashamed of asking for help. The New Moon in Aquarius on the 11th offers new insights around what turns to take on your life path and ideas on how you can use your gifts to achieve your dreams. Pisces season begins on the 18th, and so with a more dreamy, imaginative mindset which will stretch creative muscles that may have been dormant. Any inner wisdom that has been buried will be illuminated, and this will challenge you to trust your inner guide rather than your ego. Venus moving into Pisces on the 25th compliments you well and you will be feeling the love around you, bringing out your forgiving and compassionate nature. Keep in mind that others experience this time differently, so ensure you are respecting boundaries and don’t act out when you’re disappointed; this time is more about universal love than anything else. The world cherishes you, Cancer, your gifts are more needed than you know!
This past month brought your future into focus for you, bringing about innovation and self-realization. As you continue to emerge into wholeness, the transit of Venus into Aquarius at the beginning of this month heightens your feelings of independence, inspiring you to step out of your norms and explore outside of anything you now find dull and mundane. Coupled with Mercury turning from it’s retrograde in Aquarius, you will want to indulge in new visions that are becoming more revealed based on your growth so far this year. Your communication during this time will be focused on laying anything to rest that has been distracting you from flowing freely. By mid-February you will be feeling more in control of your destiny, and will feel encouraged to focus on taking more direct action to achieve things that once seemed out of reach. The Grand Earth Trine at the month’s end may seem to bring opposition and challenges to your vision, but if you face them as opportunities for expansion you will benefit greatly, even perhaps materially. Climb those walls, Leo, the view from the other side is fantastic.
Sometimes, the only thing holding us back is ourselves. January left you ruminating over and over, a renewed sense of ambition pushing you forward – yet there was a fear of taking the first steps. This month will be a deep let-go for you if you choose to embrace it as such! February kicks off with the transition of Venus into Aquarius, encouraging you to break free from the situations you have felt yourself held back in. The need for independence is sharper than ever, and you will need to take some risks if you want to live intentionally. Your ruling planet, Mercury, turns out of retrograde and heads direct into innovative Aquarius, giving you the mindset you need to plan out a new path. Reconnect with those who can assist you in any way, even if it requires opening up to a friend about how you’re feeling. Venus is in Pisces on the 25th, and you will feel a sense of forgiveness arise – maybe you’ve been too hard on yourself. The desire for deeper connections will be stronger, but may not be returned in the exact way you hope. Be compassionate with yourself, remember self-love is the first step to true happiness. The Full Moon rising in your own sign on February 27th will inspire you to find balance between your physical and emotional needs. Spend time during this lunar activity focusing on the internal rather than the external and you will reap the rewards.

You have been letting your heart lead you so far this year, and it has opened up inner caverns within you. This has been benefiting your growth immensely! As you move boldly into February, the month begins with your ruling planet, Venus, transitioning into Aquarius and embolstering your need for a more independent path. You will feel the drive to focus on the things that give you personal freedom, so don’t hold yourself back. Mercury retrograde ends on the 20th, and signifies a new mindset after all of the internal work you’ve accomplished. You will feel the desire to put your intentions into practice and to connect with those who see and love you for who you truly are – maybe even reconnecting with those you lost touch with over time. Venus leaves eccentric Aquarius and moves into dreamy Pisces on the 25th, growing the seeds of love and reconciliation within. You will be feeling very expressive, perhaps sexually, and will want to share your feelings with those around you. Ensure to keep your personal boundaries in mind at this time as they could become blurred under this aspect! You’ve done deep internal work, and going backwards now is not in your best interest. Good fortune awaits you at the end of the month if you are able to stick to your integral values.
The flux from the past year has passed on, and you have been feeling a sense of focus and stability. February 11th is the New Moon in Aquarius, and you will feel the need to focus on the relationships most important to you. Who brings out the best in you? Who supports your vision and your dreams? These are the ones you need to connect with at this time. New ideas are birthed under this Moon, and it allows you to see the bigger picture when it comes to your goals. Your movement meets with the flux of the Sun in Pisces on the 18th, which causes imaginations to run wild and bring about creative inspiration. Allow yourself to feel comfort in this flow, wisdom will be revealed to you through your devotion to artistic expression. Careful not to let the elusive side of this aspect hide you from the world, your personal relationships are still important for your growth and encouragement. Venus joins the Sun in Pisces on the 25th, and you will feel a deep sense of forgiveness – maybe you need to let go of some past hurts. This is showing compassion to yourself above anyone else! Your feelings of sexual expression will be heightened as well, keep important boundaries in place and do not get distracted by anything toxic. Your hard work, externally and internally, will reveal fruition during the Grand Earth Trine at the end of the month, promising success in your future if you remain dedicated. It’s a powerful time for you… keep it up, Scorpio.
The world has been waiting to see you in your glory, Sagittarius. By focusing on communication last month, you were able to deal with deep seeded doubts that have plagued you for years. This month begins for you with Venus in Aquarius, and fuels your desire for expansion and personal freedom. You will feel a strong sense of independence and should take action around the needs this transit reveals as it will bring you even more elevation. After it’s retrograde, Mercury spins back direct in Aquarius mid-month and helps you to see your path more clearly, the thoughts stirring for the past month can now be put into practice. This is also a great time to spend letting go of past pain and embracing those who have always supported your authenticity – so pick up that phone, maybe an old friend is waiting to hear from you. Ceres moving into bold Aries around this time will also inspire your autonomy; you will be more active in practicing what you preach. The Full Moon in Virgo at the month’s end will highlight anything out of balance that needs adjustment, likely showing up in the area of emotional stability. It may be time to turn in and sit with the feelings you’ve been harbouring against yourself. Careful not to lash out irrationally as this aspect will feel heavy, the way you embrace it will either benefit you or cause more problems. Growth is coming, but not without nurturing your inner garden.

The grind is real! You have been super focused on your future and making the moves necessary to get to where you need to be – congratulate yourself on this! This month will continue to help you on your path if you are open to any necessary change. The New Moon in Aquarius on the 11th is an opportune time for connection. Have you been wanting more support in your life? Maybe it’s time to get out there and commune with those who motivate your goals. You will be feeling the Aquarian humanitarian vibes and will want to share ideas with others; it’s a great time to join a group of some kind! Pisces season begins on the 18th and brings out your inner dreamer. Logic takes more of a backseat during this transit, and you will find it easier to let go of control and go with the universal flow. You will feel more devotion towards your path and will want to share your new-found revelations with others. Balanced with lots of time to yourself, you will make a positive impact at this time. Venus is in Pisces on the 25th and stirs feelings of giving and receiving love – remember that self-love is needed above all! You cannot pour from an empty cup. Be kind to yourself, and let that kindness radiate to others. This is a great time to re-evaluate your boundaries when it comes to love. You will feel an impact from the Grand Earth Trine on the 28th, change is coming for the better and you will see the blessings in abundance from your hard work.
Your thoughts have been deeply focused on your life’s purpose during your season, and you have probably been indulging in your creativity as well as exploring new ways to use your gifts for the greater good. The New Moon is in your own sign on February 11th, and it is an optimal time to focus on any humanitarian goals you have been sitting on. Use this energy to plant seeds; connect with like minded folks who can help you with giving your ideas solid ground. You will be able to have more objectivity in this environment. On the 20th Mercury turns direct in Aquarius after it’s retrograde, and your perspective will shift to a more forward avenue after weeks of pondering and second guessing. Reconcile with any issues that could be holding you back, and surround yourself with those who support your vision. Ceres’ movement into Aries fans the flame of your growing autonomy, you will feel unstoppable in taking matters into your own hands in regards to the physical aspects in your life that have not been serving your truth. By using this energy for expansion, you will see the rewards materialize near the end of the month in a very tangible way. Keep thriving, Aquarius.
Take a deep breath and fill your lungs with the fresh air, Pisces. You have risen above the turmoil, swam out of the rapids – you’re a survivor, and now is the time to stay focused on the most important thing, you. Venus, the planet of pleasure and beauty, is in Aquarius on the 1st of February and encourages feelings toward personal freedom and the desire for space. Independence can seem unnerving, but what does it look like? Maybe something as simple as rearranging your bedroom can support this aspect. As the Sun rises on Pisces season mid-month, your dreamlike mindset will be strong and make your goals seem more real to you. You will feel at home in the flow, and feel devoted to any craft you work with during this time. The shadow this aspect brings is feelings of self-pity, so keep an eye out and balance these feelings with affirmations and practices of self-love. Venus transits into your sign on the 25th and encourages your loving, forgiving side. This is a great time to turn your affections toward yourself before anyone else, although it’s your nature to give to others. This can be done, Pisces, but without keeping healthy boundaries in mind it could pull you back into the destructive currents you have been working on releasing from. On the 27th, utilize the energy from the Full Moon in Virgo to find balance between the external desires and internal ones; ask yourself what serves your higher purpose right now. Emotions will likely be turbulent, so take time for self-care. You’re on your way to the life you desire, but it starts first with loving yourself exactly as you are, where you are.

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