April 2021 Horoscope
Hello April. I am so excited for this next month – April is my birthday month (I am a Taurus, in case you were wondering) and I am so excited for the April 2021 Horoscopes!
After the Spring Equinox, and the first full moon of the astrological year, I hope you are starting of this new month with a fresh mind and soul. April has some major cosmic events, so scroll down to your sign and learn how you can best manage this next season. We recommend that you read your Sun sign, as well as your Moon and Rising.

The Loving Life With Cass Monthly Horoscopes are written by our in-house astrologer and one of my best friends, Selena. I am so blessed to have her in my life and I am so grateful that she is sharing her knowledge of astrology with the world. You can connect with Selena on Linkedin and on Instagram.
April 2021 Horoscope
Aries – April 2021 Horoscope
Feeling confident? Good! As we head into the second half of Aries season, the planets will be aligning you on the path to your higher purpose.
Mercury moves into your own sign on April 3rd and you will feel the push to make decisions you’ve been sitting on. You will be driven by spontaneous desire and will be communicating very directly with others, which could cause some tension. Luckily, this planetary influence will help you to disregard the opinions of others and focus your attention on your personal endeavours.
The New Moon in Aries mid-month is a perfect time to set your intentions and fully commit to your personal goals. There is plenty of positive energy around this influence and you will feel the confidence to truly take control of your destiny. It may involve taking risks and becoming more self-sufficient, but what do you have to lose? Now is the time.
You may feel some doubt when your ruling planet, Mars, moves into Cancer at the end of the month and may send your plans into a flux; you may feel far more moody and defensive during Taurus season. Keep your head, and remember why you started this journey in the first place.
Taurus – April 2021 Horoscope
Have you been putting yourself first? Right now, that is what your soul is calling for, Taurus. You have been bouncing between obligation and destiny, and you cannot outrun destiny because it does catch up with you!
As we move into April, Venus shifts into your sign on the 14th, and she is very at home here (since Venus rules Taurus). Your sensory perception will be heightened, and living in the present moment will be preferred. You will feel the need to express love physically, and sexually. This aspect can also come with an extra helping of possessiveness around people or belongings that are important to you, so a reminder to balance.
We welcome the Season of the Bull as the Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th, and with it a renewed sense of determination. Your need for security will be strong, so it’s a good time to make long-term, realistic plans. It’s also a great time to stand in your power when dealing with confrontation.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th brings an opportunity to find balance between the give and take, and illuminates mysteries from your past you have been burying deep in the garden of the inner child. Be prepared to make some emotional declarations as some personal issues make their way into the light. There is no going back!
Gemini – April 2021 Horoscope
Let’s talk about expansion, Gemini. You have been focusing your energy on creation, and you probably are feeling like you’re really making headway. People definitely can see and feel that emanating off of you!
As April begins, that energy is going to grow with the movement of your ruling planet, Mercury, into Aries. This aspect will bring a pioneering mindset, so prepare for the motivation to move forward into the physical with your ideas. You will be communicating quite spontaneously, with creative new ideas flowing like crazy – don’t worry if others “don’t get it,” you are more capable than ever!
Mercury shifts into Taurus on the 19th and communication becomes more deliberate and factual. You will find it better to focus on one thing at a time, as this is the only way to cultivate all your planning. This influence brings a sense of humility and sincerity, so it’s a great time to get back to nurturing any relationships that have fallen to the wayside during your creative phase. Keep believing in yourself, and let the ones around you elevate and encourage you to keep growing.

Cancer – April 2021 Horoscope
Compassion is something you have always had, but learning to have it for yourself may be a brand new concept. Hopefully, you have taken time to address the needs your soul has been begging you for. Now, it’s all about balancing the love you give to yourself and to others.
April is a new chapter for you, and the New Moon in Aries on the 11th is the springboard. As we begin the new lunar cycle, you will be feeling a positive energy coaxing your inner courage to arise. This will allow you to make solid plans for your future, and encourage you to express yourself authentically to others. There is a new, formerly hidden side of you emerging and while others may be taken aback, you are taking centre stage in your life.
Taurus season brings grounding on the 19th, and you will fall into a new method of living. Sensual needs will take precedence, and you may find yourself unwilling to budge at times. Your loyalty to the people and practices you love most will help you stay balanced, so take your time and be in the moment with them. Mars, the planet of action, moves into your own sign at the month’s end, which can surge your emotions yet again and cause your solid plans you made to shift. Careful not to act out when you’re having “a day,” and be gentle with yourself during this transit. Healing is hard work, and you deserve time to mellow down.
Leo – April 2021 Horoscope
Everyone knows you live your life fiercely, and you have really been showing up for your community and for yourself so far this year. Vulnerability is no easy practice, but it’s likely that you’ve been working on this part of yourself.
As we move into April, continue to go with it. Mercury in Aries on the 3rd will have you feeling a sense of adventure in your communication – why not go there? There may be some impatience as you want to take the floor often and will be far more direct about your wants and needs. Opinions of others won’t phase you much, but it will be wise to consider them, especially on the career front.
Taurus season begins on the 19th, bringing a cooler vibe. You will find yourself sticking to the method, resistant to changing it and determined to reach your goals. You will be feeling loyal to your beliefs as well and this will appear in communication.
The Full Moon in Scorpio is an opportunity to seek balance between what you show the world and who you are deep within. This moon will highlight some major revelations and drive some emotional sharing with others. Though it may scare the ego, this is a good release as some of the things you need to share have been building up for quite some time. Let go, Leo, and let the Universe take over this time.
Virgo – April 2021 Horoscope
Take some time to recognize how far you have come, Virgo. Vulnerability is not easy, and if you listened to your heart last month you have reached a deeper understanding of who you are.
April will challenge you to not fall back into your old ways, starting with Mercury, your ruling planet, in Aries on the 3rd. This transit inspires quick thinking and more direct communication when it comes to achievement. Keep an eye on your patience levels as this will pan out better for you in any business ventures.
Mercury then moves into Taurus on the 19th, and your focus will shift to a more grounded approach to things. You will use more common sense and be solid in your communication. Your goals will take on more structure and you will be able to tackle one of them at a time – just try not to box yourself in with over-organization of your time. Your hardworking attitude shines during this season and you will likely find success in your career. Ensure you take time to strengthen bonds with people you care for, this balance is important.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th challenges you to look inward once more for any remaining issues that need to be healed. Reflect on anything you have been holding in and let it come to light, it may be raw and uncomfortable but you will feel better once it’s in the open air. You deserve to be free from anything holding you back.

Libra – April 2021 Horoscope
Let’s face it, self-control has never been your strong suit, and that is totally okay. It is a great thing to practice though! You have been bouncing around and if you applied discipline and balance to your life, you’re probably feeling ready for the next chapter.
The New Moon in Aries on April 11th is a great place to start! This is a time for setting intentions and taking control of your destiny. Getting some solid goals down on paper to help you make a realistic plan for the future is encouraged. Let your authenticity shine and allow yourself to be in control, this will help you to be more confident if obstacles arise.
Your ruling planet, Venus, transits into Taurus on the 14th, increasing your appetite to indulge in all things pleasure. Allow yourself this time to express your love to those in your life and enjoy the little moments. You will feel attracted to beauty and want to indulge in whatever tickles your fancy – ice cream sundaes, movie marathons, long walks on the waterfront… if it feels good, why not? You can’t have all work and no play. Careful around the 23rd when Mars moves into moody Cancer, this can disrupt your forward direction by stirring some emotional reactions and perhaps this will entice you to change your direction. Stay grounded, and remember to trust yourself first and foremost.
Scorpio – April 2021 Horoscope
Whoever said just existing was hard was, well, spot on. You have grown so much this year, and the sun is still shining on you, Scorpio. If you took the time to be in the moment and find your feet last month, you will feel ready to take on whatever is next.
Venus in Taurus on the 14th will heighten your senses to all things lovely, and your romantic side will flare. Embrace this jovial time, but keep your head when it comes to the need to possess what you care about most, be it person, place or object.
The Sun follows Venus into stubborn Taurus a few days after and your sense of security will heighten as well, perhaps making you more resistant to change. Remember that sometimes letting go means moving forward, and while loyalty is a great quality it can hold is back.
The Full Moon is in your own sign on the 26th, and it is a great time to face any remaining issues that could be keeping you from your potential. This moon highlights finding a balance between who you are, and who you can be. Allow yourself to question, and prepare to announce things that may surprise others. These feelings are raw, so don’t expect them to make total sense just yet. These may be long-held, self-sabotaging beliefs you are facing, so take your time and practice self-care during this time.
Sagittarius – April 2021 Horoscope
Have you been taking on too much, or letting things fall to the wayside? This time is your opportunity for more balance, Sagittarius.
Mercury moves into warrior Aries on April 3rd and you will find the impulse to start making choices in your life. Your communication will be even more direct (if that’s even possible) and your impatient side may flare, so keep an eye on your reactions because even if someone calls you out, you’re not likely to listen. You will be feeling more capable of attacking anything that needs addressing in your life, and the New Moon in Aries on the 11th will solidify this energy.
Take the time to do some serious future planning and use your gifts of innovation to motivate new ideas to take shape. You’re taking charge and taking risks, and it is a perfect time for it. Break your old routine and start anew, why not? Taurus season begins on the 19th, and your intentions will start to take root. Put your method into practice and watch your plans really start to sprout. Your determination is a gift and will motivate you, just stay true to yourself and trust the process!

Capricorn – April 2021 Horoscope
Spring is the season of new beginnings, and you will be feeling this growth energy in full force this April. The month begins with the continued momentum you felt from last month with the New Moon rising in the warrior sign of Aries on April 11th. This is a wonderful time for new beginnings, so channel this momentum into taking charge of your life path. Let this transit ignite your inner courage and start planting seeds for the future you desire. You will feel more confident in taking risks and find your feet in living more authentically. This is a good time to face your shadow self and do the inner work needed to move forward.
Taurus Season starts on April 19th, and the Sun will encourage you to be more methodical and determined when it comes to your goals. This time has a focus on security needs and long-term vision planning, and you will find your goals taking root easily. Mars moves into Cancer on the 23rd and brings with it some fluctuation, you may find yourself being defensive and emotionally sensitive in regards to this. It’s a good time to slow down and celebrate what you’ve achieved; remember that baby steps are still steps forward!
Aquarius – April 2021 Horoscope
Stretch your petals to the Sun, Aquarius; this is a time for major growth! You have been focused on the big questions – who am I and what what is my purpose? April starts off with a refreshing dose of warrior energy with Mercury in Aries on the 3rd, giving you a fresh, new mindset and leading your communication with spontaneity. The importance of what people think of you is at an all-time low, so keep shining your wild and wonderful light and let the creativity pour out of you.
The Sun rises in the Bull, Taurus, on the 19th and invites a method to your madness. You will be resistant to anyone trying to dim your spark and you will have the energy to start rooting in some long-term planning. Stay true to your intentions and you will see your plans flourish in the next few weeks! The Full Moon in Scorpio brings an opportunity to find balance between who you are and your potential self. Complex emotions may arise during this time, and it may be time to make a big announcement about something you have been keeping hidden for a long while. These emotions are raw and may not seem logical, but they can’t stay hidden forever. Trust your feelings, and allow yourself to take the stage – people are ready to hear from you!
Pisces – April 2021 Horoscope
Take a deep breath, you’re heading towards the shore from a long swim in self-doubt. Last month was a great time to focus on creative ways to express your authenticity, and this month will encourage you to continue growing in this area. Spring is here to support you!
April 14th marks the movement of Venus into sensual Taurus, and your sensory perception will be heightened. Love and romance will take focus, and you will want to indulge in all things pleasurable. Keep your cool and try not to let the Bull stir any feelings of jealousy or codependency in your relationships, it’s a safer bet to stay present and enjoy this influence. Mars is in Cancer on the 23rd, and your pursuit of goals will be more fluid and less direct. This aspect can have you acting out when you’re in a mood, so make sure to recognize when you’re feeling overly emotional and focus on self-care. Allow your inner work to take root during this time.
The Full Moon in Scorpio at the month’s end highlights finding a balance between what you give out and what you receive. This may stir some unresolved issues from your past and present healing journey, and finding a healthy way to release this energy is in your best interest. Call a close friend, scribble it down in our journal, whatever outlet feels right. Releasing this emotion is the only way to move past it, Pisces.

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