How To Manage Your Money With Pigly
One thing I wish they taught in schools was personal finances. Don’t get me wrong, I totally value all of the hours I spent learning about how lighting strikes the ground, the Pythagorean theorem, and the difference between, their, there and they’re, but I just wish that at some point I was also taught about how to manage my personal finances. From saving to investing, getting a mortgage to doing your taxes, there is so much to managing money and without the proper knowledge, it can get pretty overwhelming.
Staying on top of your finances is a great way to love life more, which is why I am so thankful for free financial planners, like Pigly. They have different calculators that you can use to help you to manage your personal finances with ease. So if you are looking to save money so you can go travelling, repay your student loans, or buy a house, Pigly has a calculator for you. Here are three of their features that I enjoy using.

3 Features That Can Help You Manage Your Money Better
1. Personal Budget Planner
Out of all of the calculators on Pigly’s website, I found that their Personal Budget Planner to be the most useful. This feature allows users to enter their biweekly, monthly or annual income and helps them to turn into an accurate budget so that they can pay for their needs and wants and grow their savings.
Along with the calculator, Pigly also offers some valuable information on creating a budget and offers helpful budget tips in a lengthy article. They talk about, understanding the budget, make the most of a paycheck, how to save and build value through budgeting and more. One very practical tip that really inspired me while I was reading through their budget page was, “Reconsider the need to pay full price for anything. If you can get good-quality items on sale or through rewards points, do so. This way, you can save money without feeling like you’re depriving yourself.”
Creating a budget is really the cornerstone of managing your finance, so if you are having trouble creating and sticking to a budget or you’ve never made a budget yourself, check out Pigly’s Personal Budget Planner and have a read through their article.

2. When Will You Be A Millionaire
Where are all my boss babes at? I think that Pigly’s Millionaire Savings Calculator is a very fun feature that is definitely helping to inspire me to reach my goals. One of my goals is to turn my blog and business into a seven-figure enterprise, and I know that I am not alone. Getting to plug in actual numbers and see how much I would have to save until I have a million dollars, made my dream feel more realistic.
3. Canadian Mortgage Calculator
Being a younger adult, buying a house is something that I am starting to think about. Pigly’s Canadian Mortgage Calculator is a very helpful tool that can help you to start planning for a house. You can use the calculator to plug in different payment amounts and it will generate the upfront insurance, loan amount, and monthly payments. Getting to play around with this calculator helped me to understand a little more of everything that is involved with getting a mortgage and I discovered what an amortization schedule is.
Even though managing money can be hard, it is super necessary to get good at it. Let me know in the comments if you try Pigly, and what features helped you to manage your finances better?
Wishing you a prosperous future,

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