Loving Life Tip: Do Things That You Love
Loving Life Tip: Do Things That You Love
If you didn’t already know I made Loving Life With Cass because I genuinely wanted to help others to love their lives while their are out exploring the world and while they are at home dreaming of exploring the world.
So, over the next few months, I am going to be sharing loving life tips that have helped me to love my life more.
I am excited to share my wisdom, please let me know if any of these tips help you on your journey.
My first loving life tip that I want to share is (drum roll please), do things that you love. If you want to love your life more you should focus on filling your life with things that bring you joy.
I know that this may sound obvious, but take a minute and think about your average day. How often during the day do you do things that you truly want to be doing? How often do you do things that bring you so much joy that they light you up?
Too often we fill our lives with things that we don’t really enjoy. Can you relate to any point on this list?
- You hate your job but you “stick it out” because it pays the bills.
- You hang out with the same people even though you don’t have a good time with them anymore.
- On a typical day, you wake up with your alarm, hit the snooze, get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch Netflix, and go to bed.
- You often eat mediocre meals because you aren’t a great cook, can’t afford to eat out all the time and you are “too busy” to learn how to cook better.
- You are unsatisfied in your relationship, but are afraid to be alone so you stay with your partner that you don’t love.
- You dream of travelling the world, but don’t because of work, family, fear or other obligations.
- You don’t know what your purpose in life is.
- You do most of the things that you do because some else told you to do them.
- You have a goal to do ___________ but you don’t put in the time or effort to accomplish it.
- You do the same workout every day because it is effective, but you dread doing it.
- You don’t have a hobby, and really just spend your free time scrolling through social media looking at other peoples “awesome” lives, drinking alcohol or binge watching TV.
The list could go on.
If you really want to enjoy your life more, you need to start doing things that you actually want to do and that you actually enjoy doing.
I am not saying that in order to be happy with your life, you need to love every minute of it. As responsible adults we are obviously going to have to do some task every day that we don’t love. For example I really don’t enjoy going grocery shopping, vacuuming, washing dishes, or going to the eye-doctor, but those are all things that I need to do, so I do them.
However, I am saying that if you really want to love your life, you are going to need to start making time to have fun, do activities that you actually enjoy doing, and finding partners, jobs, and friends that you love.

How To Add More Things That You Love Into Your Daily Routine
If you are ready to start making some small changes so you can start to love your life more, try any or all of these tips.
1. Have Hobbies That You Do Just For Fun
If you are trying to add more fun into your daily routine, try finding a hobby that you only do for fun. Don’t get me wrong, I love side hustles and I am a huge fan of people taking their hobbies and turning them into a career – I did that with this blog. But, I think it is also important to find activities that you like to do just fun.
I randomly discovered that drawing fantasy maps (a map of a world that you made up) is a thing. I decided to create one for myself, and I am having a great time completing it. It is kind of silly, and I don’t intend to turn it into a career in any way but it makes me happy. I honestly enjoy it and drawing it makes me enjoy my life more.
I also learned how to surf in 2019, and now it is one of my favourite activities. I had always dreamt of being a surfer, and riding waves. Taking the time to learn how to surf has brought me so much joy and happiness. I am still a beginner but when I am out in the water the activity consumes me, and I am loving every second of it.
If you don’t have a hobby, try a bunch of new things until you find something that brings you joy. Take a class or online course and let the magic happen.

Hobby Ideas:
- Cooking
- Photography
- Graphic design
- Art class
- Sport
- Fantasy maps ( I swear it’s fun.)
- Make candles
- Create natural products – hair products, skin care, dish soup
- Write fiction stories
- Learn an instrument
- Refinishing furniture
- Make wine
- Beekeeping
- Yoga
- Fix up a car
- Make jewelry
- Surfing
- Hiking
- Kite making
- Kayaking
- Stamp collecting
*If you start a new hobby and then turn it into a business that is great. Just try to find a new hobby to do for fun after.
2. Schedule Time To Have Fun
Life is busy, but the only way this loving life tip will work for you is to make time for it. If you really want to make time for more things that you love, then you need to actively make time for it. Set time aside each day so that you can do something that you love to do. This could be a hobby, reading a book, doing some self-care, or enjoying time with a loved one.
A great way to make sure that you have time each day to enjoy your life is to create a morning and an evening routine.

3. Turn The Things That You Hate Into A Game Or Challenge
When I was working in retail I hated it. I just didn’t have a passion for folding clothes all day and getting yelled at by entitled customers. I was trying to find a new job, but until I found one I needed to keep working.
To make my work life more fun, I started to come up with little games for myself to play. I would cut up old gift cards and create puzzles for myself and my coworkers to solve. I would time myself doing certain tasks and I would try to beat my record every time. On nice days I would volunteer to take the garbage out so I could enjoy the fresh air. I went through a stage where I was biking to work, which one give me something to look forward to at the end of my shift.
Even though I really didn’t like my job, I found ways to make it fun. Which added more enjoyment to my day.
Whenever you have to do something that you don’t enjoy, try to create a game or challenge so that you can make it more fun. Be creative – anything can be fun if you try hard enough.
I hope that this loving life tip helps you to enjoy your life more. How do you make time for the things that you love? Let me know in the comments!
Sending you love and light,

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