Travel Fitness Tips: Stay In Shape While Exploring The World
If you are like me you love travelling and live for your next trip. Your next chance to experience a new city and make unforgettable memories lights up your soul. You often day dream about soaking in the warmth of the sun on a beach in the Caribbean, smelling freshly baked croissants as you walk past a cafe in Paris, and being in awe and empowered as you take photos at the Everest basecamp after completing the intense hike up. You spend most of your money on trips, because you know that things can’t make you happy, but spending the summer in Europe sure can!
If you are also like me, whenever you embark on a new trip you are afraid of one thing happening…getting out of shape. Yikes! It never feels great coming home from vacation or a long voyage knowing that you are a few pounds heavier than when you left. I care about my physical health a lot. I enjoy working out and drinking green juices. However, it is too easy to get caught up in the excitement of traveling and forget to make a little time for our bodies, and then we go home and feel a little down and start a new diet. Incase you were wondering, yes I am speaking from experience.
While it’s 100% ok if you gain weight while travelling, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important for our bodies and minds no matter where in the world we are. There are some tips that you can follow to stay health conscious on your trips, avoid weight gain and maintain your optimal health. Buckle in folks because I am about to share them with you.
6 Travel Fitness Tips To Help Keep You In Shape
Put one foot in front of the other! This is probably the easiest way you can make sure you are exercising every day and is suitable for every fitness level. Sign up for a walking tour instead of a bus tour. Instead of taking taxi’s or public transport while exploring a city, walk to your destinations. Go on a hike and explore some nature. Walking is a great way to stay in shape and experience the city you are exploring. Pro Tip: Pack shoes that are comfortable for walking in.
2. Run
Another great way to see the area that you are staying in is to go for a run. If you are a runner then you must start running while you are vacation for two reasons. Number one, you can keep up with your running routine. Number two, you get to discover things in the city you are in that you may have never seen before.
For example, I am a runner, and while I was on a tour in Ireland I would go for runs every morning. One morning, while we were staying in a cute, small town, I got up and left the hotel for my run. I ran out of the town (passing a castle, NO BIG DEAL) and soon was running in the country side. The scenery was beautiful. Lush green rolling hills with sheep all over the place. It was just me, my breath and the beauty of Ireland. I was completely blown away, and this run was one of my favourite parts of this whole trip. Pro Tip: Depending on the country you are in, before running, do research to make sure you are running in a tourist safe area. Bonus Pro Tip: Download a running app. I use Nike+ Run Club, it is fabulous. It tracks your runs, offers guided runs, and doesn’t need WIFI.
3. Drink Water
Drinking water is amazing for our bodies and can help keep you in shape. Try to substitute water with lemon instead of pop, and sugar filled juices, when eating at restaurants. Carry a reusable water bottle with you while you are out and about, so you can stay hydrated and happy.
[su_quote]…it is too easy to get caught up in the excitement of traveling and forget to make a little time for our bodies…[/su_quote]
4. Eat Healthy(ish)
We all know that eating healthy is important, and that doesn’t change no matter where we are. Do not get me wrong, I totally believe that indulging in amazing delicious food and baked goods can add to a great trip. However, try to be health conscious and create a healthy balance. Add more fruits and veggies to your plate at the buffet, order a salad for dinner, don’t have dessert every night – these are little choices that can have huge positive effects on your body.
5. Limit Alcohol
If you are wanting to stay in shape while travelling try to limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Of course you can still drink and party while travelling, again it is all about balance. Keep in mind that alcohol has a lot of calories and a lack of vitamins and minerals. The average beer (12 oz) has 148 calories, which means (quick math time) 6 beers would have 888 calories. The average margarita has 254 calories, and 6 margaritas have 1524 calories.
6. Workout
You can literately get a full body workout anywhere, with no equipment. Download a workout app, buy a workout series, watch Youtube videos, or find a gym. I always bring Insanity with me, and find a place to do the workouts like outside or on the roof of a hostel. Yoga Youtube videos are great options, I really like Boho Beautiful’s channel, their yoga workouts are quick and effective. I also may add a quick 10 minute HIIT workout while I am out for a run. If you are staying at a hotel or resort you probably have access to the hotel gym where you can get a workout in. If you do not want to leave your room you can always do a quick hotel work out.
There you have it, 6 super easy tips that you can use to stay in shape and be healthy while traveling. What are your favrouite workouts to do while traveling? Let me know in the comments.
Wishing you health and happiness on all your adventures,
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