Chiang Mai Night Bazaar: A Photo Story

Chiang Mai is the second largest city in Thailand and is the capital city of the northern province. The city is home to many Thai people as well as immigrants and tourist from all over the world. One of the greatest things about the Night Bazaar is the chance to get a feel and an understanding of the Thai culture and people. Thailand is known to be the land of the smiles. When interacting with Thai people at the Night Bazaar, the friendliness of the Thai’s can be clearly seen. Although the Bazaar is filled with many immigrant workers, the Thai culture, art and architecture can still be seen and felt through out the market. 

Chiang Mai Night Bazaar

Art is a big part of the Night Bazaar. All over the Bazaar there are artist showing over their talents for the world to see. From portraits of Buddha to elephants, many beautiful masterpieces can be found here. Most of the artwork is done by Thai artists and almost all of it has Thai themes. The artists are usually rather friendly and will let you watch them as they work.

The Night Bazaar is a fun way to spend a night shopping in Chiang Mai. The people, the streets, the products and art, the food, and the vibes, make a night there inspiring and memorable. It is home to so many cultures, which is so rare to see. The Night Bazaar draws you in and makes you wanting to come back for more.

Food is a big factor at the Night Bazaar. There are many Thai and international restaurants, pubs, and street venders around the Bazaar area. Another way to experience Thai cultures as well as many others all in one place. Turkish Kebabs are a very popular meal to find at one of the street venders. Not only are the owners usually vey nice the food is amazingly cooked to perfection.

Many workers of the Night Bazaar are not from Thailand. Most of them have come from other parts of Asia. They are very interesting people, who have compelling stories of how the came to be in Chiang Mai. Kumar is from Nepal and has been in Chiang Mai for eleven years now. He works as a sells man at a formal dress wear shop. The shops hours work around the timing of the Night Bazaar. When asked why he moved his business to Chiang Mai he says, “business is better here.” This is the biggest factor that has caused many to leave their homes and come to Thailand.

One important culture to the Chiang Mai Night Bazaar is the Akha Hill Tribe Woman. They are seen walking all over the Night Bazaar selling wooden frogs, handmade jewelry and other small items. They are very friendly but are often ignored by most tourists. They are an indigenous hill tribe that comes from high mountain villages in the countries of Thailand, Burma, Laos, and China. They have faced some hardship over the past few years and are slowing having to adapt to new eastern and western ideologies.

The biggest religion in Thailand is Buddhism. All over the city of Chiang Mai there are beautiful Buddhist temples. Buddhism is a huge part of Thai and Asia culture and images and statues of Buddha can be seen everywhere. The Night Bazaar is greatly influences by Buddhism. People can buy Buddha everything, statues, artwork, jewelry, clothing and more.


Sending you love and smiles,