What I Learned From Travelling

Travelling has changed the way I live life and has shaped me into the happy, loving life, person I am today. From exploring the world I have learned so much about life, people and myself. Each trip I have taken has open my eyes and change my perspective on the world. It is truly amazing, and is one of the many reasons why I recommend everyone travel, as much as they can, for the rest of their lives.

Here is a list of the lessons I learned while travelling: 

  1. People are good. It is really easy to get caught up in all of the crazy things that happen around the planet and to focus on only the “bad” people doing negativity things. However, one thing that I have learned from being submerged in new cultures is that for the most part people are good, and they truly desire to make the world a better place.
  2. Bring water with you everywhere. Being dehydrated is the worst, buy a reusable bottle and bring it with you everywhere you go.
  3. Go with the flow. Life is never going to go exactly the way we plan it. But guess what? Thanks okay! Learn how to roll with the flow and you find yourself enjoying your life, being happy and creating the life you’ve always wanted.
  4. Be nice to everyone. Being nice to people goes a long way! We are all different but in the end, people are just people and everyone deserves to be treated kindly and with respect.
  5. Do not let fear stop you from following your dreams. Fear is stupid. There I said. Too often, people let fear stop them from doing what they truly want to do and this needs to stop. Say no to fear and say yes to your dreams!

What are some of the greatest thing you’ve learned while travelling? Let me know in the comments!

Wishing that you are learning, laughing and travelling always,

Love ya!