How To Manage Anxiety While Traveling
Fun fact about Cass, I struggle with anxiety. Anxiety is a topic that I don’t usually talk about with people because when it comes to personal things, feelings and such, I tend to be a more private person. Due to my bubble personality, passion for life and my ability to talk to anyone, most people are surprised when they find out that I have anxiety. The truth is, like many people, some days I get overwhelmed by anxiety that all I can do is watch Netflix, take a bath and sleep. Luckily, going to therapy, reading a good amount of self help books, and taking time to care for myself, has helped me learn how to manage my anxiety and feel like myself like 99% of the time. YAY GO ME!
Lately, I’ve been talking about anxiety with a lot of different people and a question that I keep receiving is “how I manage my anxiety while I am travelling?” So I decided to write a post about it in order to, hopefully, help the whole world.
Disclaimer: If you struggle with anxiety please book an appointment to see a therapist. Anxiety affects people in different ways and at different intensities, and while these tips help me manage my anxiety 100%, that may not be the case for you, and that’s totally OK! Talking with a professional will help figure out what will be most effective for you.
Here are my tips to managing anxiety while travelling:
1. Essential Oils
Essential oils are AHmazing! If you don’t use oils you should start because there is an essential oil for literally everything! Not only do essential oils smell great they also are extremely beneficial to our mental and physical health and are a key part of a healthy lifestyle. I’ll bring oils with me everywhere I go and if I feel anxiety creeping up, then I’ll put some on my temples or rub some on my lava stone bracelet, and just let the aroma calm me down. My favourite oils that are great for calming anxiety are lavender, frankincense, and eucalyptus. Here are some other oils that can aid in fighting anxiety.
2. Mediation
Mediating, or simply taking a moment to relax and clear my head does wonders on my anxiety and general well being. I try to meditated once per day, either right when I get up or before going to bed, sometimes both. Either, I will set a timer for 5 – 10 mins and just focus on my breathing and let any thoughts that come into my head just pass away, or I will put on a guided meditation from an app or the Youtube. If you are new to mediating I recommend starting with a guided meditation, I use the app Mindbliss.
3. Yoga And Exercise
Exercise is a great way to get rid of anxiety because it gives you endorphins, and as we know from Legally Blonde, endorphins make you happy. I love working out, and it is a great way for me to clear my brain and focus on working my body, and not on whatever is giving me anxiety. If you aren’t into working out, I recommend you try doing a quick yoga video or go for a walk.
4. Think Logically
While travelling if I feel anxiety creeping up, I try to logically think through the issue and give my brain examples of why it doesn’t make sense to get anxious about that issue. For example, let’s say I get anxious about taking the subway in a city I’ve never been to before. I would ask myself why am I anxious about this, the answer would probably be I am afraid to get lost. Then I would be like okay have I ever gotten lost while travelling on the subway in any other country before? And the answer would be no. Then I would ask myself, okay why haven’t I ever gotten lost before? Because, I am great at reading maps, I Googled what stops I need to get off at, and subway stations are usually pretty clearly marked. Then I would make a little affirmation to dwell on, which would be, “I am a great at navigating my way around cities I’ve never been to before”, and if I get anxious ever while exploring I will remind myself of this affirmation.
5. Do What Makes You Happy
Fill your trip with activities that make you happy. I love the outdoors and going on outdoor adventures make so happy, so if I wake up feeling anxious while travelling I will make sure to spend some time in the great outdoors. Depending on where I am, I’ll hit a nearby trail, head to the beach for a dip in the ocean, or just walk around the city I am in. This really helps me because I am very comfortable playing outside and even if I am in a new city, doing a familiar activity makes me feel safe, thus removing the anxiety.
Those are my tips to help conquer anxiety while on the road. What helps you overcome anxiety? Let me know below!
Love you so much,

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