The Art Of Letting Go: My Fall Cleanse Review

Hello beautiful, welcome back to Loving Life With Cass. About two weeks ago I did my fall cleanse to help me clear out my body, mind and soul so that I can move forward into this next season in a more positive direction. For this cleanse I did a juice cleanse, where I only drank water, home-made juices, and teas. I also practice mindfulness activities such as mediation and breathwork, I cut out TV and social media (except for work) and I actively worked on letting things go that are no longer serving me.

I originally set out to do a 7 day cleanse, but changed it to a five day cleanse because the lack of food was flaring up my anxiety and I needed to look after my mental health. I ended my fall cleanse with a trip to one of my favourite parks in Canada, Algonquin Provincial Park and I got to see the beautiful red, yellow, and orange leaves. I also saw a family of Moose, which was especially dope.

Overall the cleanse went really well. It was hard – I was very tired, I was very hungry for most of it and my anxiety flared up. But after it was all over, I felt completely refreshed and learnt some very important lessons that I can take with me into this next fall season. Some of the lessons that I learnt and ideas that I had during this cleanse are:

  • The biggest thing that happened to me during my fall cleanse was I let go of a lot of junk that was holding me back. (check out the next paragraph for all the details.)
  • I was watching too much TV. During quarantine, I really started to get dependent on TV, and it wasn’t till I stopped watching it that I realized I had Netflix on in the background like all day. So, I decided to just be more conscious of how much TV I am watching.
  • I reconnected with my goals. There is so much going on this year, that I kind of felt like I got overloaded and distracted. By taking a few days away from TV and social media, I was able to refocus on what I want to create in life and was able to get some new motivation.
  • I became so thankful for food. I know it was only 5 days without food, but it made me realize how blessed and privileged I am to be able to go to the store and literally pick up any type of food that I want.

Letting Go

As I mentioned in my blog post about my fall cleanse, every night before going to bed I would journal three questions:

  1. What am I grateful for today?
  2. How am I feeling today?
  3. What do I need to let go of from my past, so that I can move forward in a positive direction?

Holy smokes! SO much stuff came up for me. It was amazing to become aware of different things every night, all which were holding me back from reaching my highest potential. Once I discovered something that I needed to let go of, I wrote it out on a separate piece of paper, then wrote out a positive idea to replace the idea/habit/person I was letting go of and then ripped it up into little pieces while visualizing it disappearing like smoke. Some things that I realized that I need to let go of were:

  • Subconscious expectations I have on other people. It is so easy to expect people to do things that we want them to do and totally forget that they might think completely differently to the way we do. Unless we have clearly communicated what we need and want from a relationship, we really can’t expect people to do everything that we assume they should be doing. It is pretty unfair and an unhealthy way to show up in relationships. So moving forward this fall I am going to be actively trying to let go of these expectations that come up and challenge myself to communicate better in my relationships.
  • Past relationships. I needed to let go of some past romantic relationships and friendships that I was still holding on to. Most of what I was holding on to was questions that went unanswered from each relationship. I am the type of person who loves knowing everything that I want to know when I want to know it. So, having loose ends to relationships that ended just irritates me. But unfortunately, not knowing all the details is apart of life, and we have to be able to move on even if we don’t get the answers that we are looking for. So moving forward, I am getting comfortable with embracing life as it is and letting go of all the things I can’t control.
  • The idea that I don’t trust myself. This was a big one. During my cleanse I realized that in the past I had a hard time trusting myself. For different reasons, I just always tend to second guess myself. Luckily I discovered this idea and made time to let go of it during my cleanse. I also took the time to create positive affirmations that I can read daily so that I can build up the belief that I trust myself.

That is an overview of my fall cleanse. I feel great and I am excited for this new season and to create greatest during the last few months of the year. What do you need to let go of to help you move on in a more positive direction? Let me know in the comments, I’d love to support you on our journey.

Love you heaps,