November Horoscope 2020

Happy new month! I can’t believe that it is already November. The year has gone by so fast, the count down till the end of the year is on. This month is binging in a lot of (mostly) positive change. By the end of the month, all of the planets will be moving directly, so after a few months of inner transformation, reflection and learning from the past, things are going to start to move forward. If you need help navigating the last two months of the year, you are in the right place. Scroll down and read your November 2020 Horoscope.

Selena the Astrologer written of Loving Life With Cass Horoscopes

The Loving Life With Cass Monthly Horoscopes are written by our in-house astrologer and one of my best friends, Selena. I am so blessed to have her in my life and I am so grateful that she is sharing her knowledge of astrology with the world. You can connect with Selena on Linkedin.


Aries November Horoscope 2020

Someone’s popular! This month is filled with solid connections with your circle, and lots of opportunity to share your feelings with those you trust . You may find some relationships grow deeper at this time, even ones you wouldn’t expect. The New Moon in Scorpio mid-month will stir up some fears and traumas that have taken root over the years, try your best not to let the emotional build-up erupt onto others. This is a time of new opportunity that will change your life, as long as you go with the flow and let the current lead. An exciting, brand new adventure awaits – in perfect timing for Sagittarius season. Get excited!


Taurus November Horoscope 2020

You may have been experiencing a lot of tension in your personal life right now. With Mercury going direct in Libra you will have the confidence and calm to speak from the heart with anyone you may have been harbouring resentment against due to a disagreement of some kind. This is a time of emotional healing for you, with the New Moon in Scorpio on the 15th you will have the opportunity to gain more closure about things that you’ve held onto from the past and your personal relationships can reach a new level of closeness. Prepare to feel the love all around!


Gemini November Horoscope 2020

Positive relationships are everything for you right now, you’re going to want to spend more time with those you feel a genuine connection with. This month is all about your social life and building the close relationships in your life. Be prepared, as the sun transitions into Sagittarius you will find that some of your pals bring out the best in you; and these are the ones worth making future plans with. Maybe moving somewhere new? Learning how to snowboard? Keep an open mind, as you could open a door to something exciting and new. The lunar eclipse in your own sign, Gemini, at the end of the month will solidify a new beginning for you and, if you allow it to, break a pattern that has been holding you back for years. Cheers to the new you!


Cancer November Horoscope 2020

If this month feels like a fresh start for you, you’re definitely on the right track! Last month was likely emotionally exhausting, but if you took the time to care for your emotional needs, you will feel right as rain at this time. You will be feeling a lot more social, and crave some cozy time with your closest besties. The new moon in Scorpio is the perfect time to get close with someone you have felt distant from… just watch out for any signs of obsessing over them. Loyalty is fierce, but intense stalking is not cute. If you did some inner healing work last month, you will feel much more independent and the full moon in Gemini will heighten this inner work you’ve done to break away from patterns in your life that have been destructive. Keep it up!


Leo November Horoscope 2020

Have you been fighting on your own? This month opens opportunities to share your struggles with your loved ones, fam and friend. Words said out of anger can leave scars, but communication and onus can help them to heal – it’s never too late to fix things! Venus in Scorpio will help you see where the loyalty lies and what relationships are worth investing more in, though the Sun in Sagittarius may pull you towards many different endeavours. Try to balance and use your intuition to guide you; those who have self-knowledge also need to trust their own decisions.


Virgo November Horoscope 2020

It’s time for you to heal. You have been staying strong through some tough situations, and now you need to communicate. Saying what’s on your mind is the only path to elevation, and that is what the rest of this month will have in store. The new moon in Scorpio will help you find your deepest desires appear again, and you’ll need to plant some seeds to see your dreams manifest.  Allow the sun moving into Sagittarius on the 21st to ignite a path for you – your future awaits.


Libra November Horoscope 2020

Decision making is quite hard for someone like you who likes to weigh the options. Right now, you could be in danger of being stuck in an unhappy situation if you don’t make a choice with your higher self in mind. Luckily, Mercury goes direct in Libra this month and gives you the confidence to communicate from the heart and enter a time of healing. It is an intense month when it comes to emotions and you will likely have a lot of distractions. When the sun moves into Libra, you will find more curiosity emerge and feel the drive to explore something different, something that fulfills you. Keep your eyes open on the 30th, the lunar eclipse in Gemini may shine it’s light on a path you have never considered.


Scorpio November Horoscope 2020

You will really enjoy being around your crew during this time and enjoy the more social scene. However, there will be a personal shift for you this month as you see changes in your close relationships. Someone may reveal their true feelings to you and depending on the situation it could change your future. Be careful Scorpio, it’s easy to let your emotions take over and become obsessed. Just go with the flow, and enjoy the ride while it lasts.


Sagittarius November Horoscope 2020

This month is your opportunity to move forward and embrace healing from your past hurts. You will feel like your social self again and want to make lots of plans. Just make sure you allow yourself the time to heal before you jump into anything new; taking things slow isn’t usually in your nature. You may feel a sense of restlessness as the sun moves into your sign on the 21st, don’t let this distract you. Your patience will be rewarded with the lunar eclipse in Gemini at the end of the month with a clear direction that you may have not thought of before. Maybe it’s time to try a new path.


Capricorn November Horoscope 2020

You will be challenged this month to open up to your loved ones; a little vulnerability won’t hurt you. This is a time of healing for you, and some emotional wounds will have the chance to receive much-needed care. Your nature is to keep your emotions behind closed doors, not revealing your true feelings to anyone. This will get harder as both the New Moon and Venus move into Scorpio mid-month, bringing the turbulence to the surface. Let it out, it is ok to cry! Letting go of your emotional restraints will bring you a release you haven’t felt before – try to embrace this new found freedom as it will bring out your best self.


Aquarius November Horoscope 2020

You have been holding back your true feelings, this month you have the opportunity to take off your mask and be authentic about what has been on your mind thanks to Mercury going direct into open-hearted Libra. This will be a time of emotions as unexpected feelings arise, allow those you trust to be there for you as you have been there for literally everyone. A second-guesser like you may find it hard to trust as loyalty is hard won, but the ones you can trust will be revealed. Allow the Sun in Sagittarius on the 21st to fuel the fire of a new beginning, brimming with openness and adventure into the unknown.


Pisces November Horoscope 2020

What dreams have you put aside? Be open about your needs, it can hurt others perhaps but ultimately lead to healing for everyone. This will be an emotional time, and you will need to be careful not to let your emotions control you – make sure you are around people who will not take advantage, but rather uplift and challenge you in positive ways. If you give in, you could end up being trapped in an intense cycle that has been holding you back for years. The Sun in Sagittarius will challenge you to look beyond what is right in front of you to the world of possibilities, and the lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 30th can shift you into a new mindset when it comes to your social life and personal goals. Here’s to a new start!