Embrace the Change: October Journal Prompts for Healing and Inspiration
As we bid farewell to the warmth of summer and welcome the colourful embrace of fall, October symbolizes a time of transition and renewal. Embrace change and forward motion with my October Journal Prompts.
To make the most of this transformative season, why not grab a journal and a cup of warm tea, and embark on a journey of self-reflection and growth?
Here are some carefully curated journal prompts for the month of October that will help you let go, start fresh, and connect with the unique energies of Libra season, the new moon, and the arrival of Scorpio season and of course Samhain, aka Halloween.
So babes, grab a copy of tea, pen, and notebook and let’s get reflecting, healing, and creating some inspiration in our lives.
Ps. each section of prompts is design to be done alone at separate times, so don’t feel like you need to do them all in one sitting.

Letting Go and Starting Fresh

Fall is the time of letting go and starting fresh! Reflect on the lessons learned during the previous seasons, and discover what you are ready to let go of.
- What emotions or attachments are you ready to release to allow growth and transformation in your life this fall?
- Describe the physical and emotional clutter in your life that no longer serves you. How can you create space for new possibilities and experiences? Make a plan to clear out all the clutter.
- Imagine yourself as a tree shedding its leaves. What aspects of yourself or your life do you need to let go of to create room for new growth or new manifestations?
Connect with Libra Season

We start October off in Libra season. Libra season started on September 23rd, and will stay until October 23.
Libra is an air sign known for its focus on balance, harmony, and relationships. During this season, the energy is characterized by a desire for fairness, diplomacy, and cooperation.
Libra season encourages us to seek equilibrium in our lives, both internally and externally. It prompts us to evaluate our relationships and strive for harmony in our interactions with others. Libra’s ruling planet, Venus, adds a touch of beauty and appreciation for aesthetics, inspiring us to create and appreciate art, music, and all things visually pleasing.
This season invites us to reflect on our own sense of justice and fairness, encouraging us to find compromises and seek win-win solutions. It is a time to weigh our options carefully, considering different perspectives before making decisions. Libra season reminds us of the importance of open communication, active listening, and finding common ground.
- What areas of your life feel imbalanced currently, and how can you work towards restoring equilibrium?
- Reflect on your relationships and connections. How can you foster healthier and more positive interactions with the people around you?
- Think about the partnerships, collaborations, or creative endeavours that lie ahead. What steps can you take to manifest these harmonious endeavours?
Unveiling the New Moon Energies

The October new moon is on October 14th. The new moon represents a fresh start and new beginnings. It’s time to dream big and get ready to manifest a those dreams into your reality.
- What intentions would you like to set for this lunar cycle? How can you align your actions with these intentions?
- Consider any dreams or aspirations that have been lying dormant. How can you actively work towards manifesting them during this new moon phase?
- What new practices or habits do you want to cultivate to enhance your self-care and personal growth during this lunar phase?
Embrace the Full Moon’s Illumination

The full moon in October is on October 28th. This moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon. Full moons are a time of heightened emotions and illumination. The light of the moon can help us see what we need to release to move forward.
- What emotions are arising within you that need acknowledgment and release?
- Reflect on any significant manifestations or changes that have occurred since the new moon. How can you celebrate these successes and areas of growth?
- Consider any relationships or patterns that no longer serve your highest good. What steps can you take to release them during this full moon?
Scorpio Season and Halloween Inspiration

Scorpio season starts on October 23rd. Known for its intensity and depth, Scorpio season brings forth a transformative energy that encourages self-reflection and personal growth. Symbolized by the powerful scorpion, Scorpio is associated with passion, mystery, and resilience. During this season, we are prompted to delve into the depths of our emotions, uncovering hidden truths and exploring our innermost desires.
Scorpio’s ruling planet, Pluto, adds an element of transformation, urging us to let go of what no longer serves us and embrace personal evolution. It is a time for introspection, self-discovery, and embracing our own power. Scorpio season invites us to embrace our authenticity, face our fears, and emerge stronger and wiser on the other side.
Did you know…Halloween, derived from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, holds deep roots in Celtic culture and traditions. Celebrated on the eve of October 31st, it marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the dark, cold winter. The Celts believed that on this night, the boundary between the living and the dead was blurred, allowing spirits to roam freely among the living.
To ward off these spirits, people would light bonfires and wear costumes, disguising themselves as ghosts or otherworldly beings. This practice eventually evolved into the modern-day tradition of dressing up in costumes and going trick-or-treating. Halloween, with its Celtic origins, continues to be a time when we embrace the mysterious, honour our ancestors, and indulge in haunted, playful festivities.
As Scorpio season unfolds, contemplate the hidden depths within yourself.
- What transformative journey are you ready to embark on?
- Reflect on the concept of life and death during Halloween. How can you embrace the cycles of life, change, and transformation in your own journey?
- Embrace the mysterious and enchanting energy of Scorpio season. What creative or introspective practices can you engage in to harness this energy?
October brings us an opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and healing.
By engaging with these October journal prompts, you can explore the themes of letting go, setting new intentions, and embracing the transformative energy of the season.
May your journaling journey in October be filled with inspiration and self-discovery as you navigate this season of change and renewal.
Love and light!

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