How To Save Money For Travel

Travelling has changed my life. As cliche as that may sound, it is 100% true. I have had more experiences in my 25 year of life than most people on the planet have in their entire lifetime. Travelling has helped me discover who I am and the insight and experience gained have shaped how I see the world. Exploring new cultures has opened my mind and given me more compassion for people, animals and our beautiful planet. I live out the dreams of everyday people and have endless amounts of exciting stories to tell at parties.

If you only learn one thing from reading my blog and watching my videos please take away, you need to travel and live out your biggest dreams. The main reason why I started blogging was to encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone and have a life changing moment that can only happen with you leave your home and submerge yourself in a new place. However, I know that affording travel can be hard for some, and may even seem impossible.

To help you out, I have created this video with some tips on how you can save some money so that you can afford to travel and start crossing off items from your bucket list. Watch the video below and please subscribe to my channel.


Happy saving friends!

Love you,