20 Adventures To Go On In Your 20’s

When I was 18, I created a bucket list filled with all that I had dreamed of doing. The list contained: cage shark diving in South Africa, feeling the rush while surfing in Australia, camping in the Amazon rainforest, enjoying a cappuccino while gazing at the marvel of the Colosseum in Rome, and other remarkable experiences. After highschool I had the opportunity to spend four years travelling the world and by the age of 20 I crossed off every item on my bucket list! Since then I have been adding new activities to the list and shortly after putting them down I make sure I cross them off! Friends, let me tell you it is absolutely awesome!

To say that I have done a lot in my 27 years on this beautiful earth would be an understatement. I have done more than most people ever dream about. I am not telling you this to just brag and make you wish you lived my life. I am telling you this because I genuinely want you to be able to experience all that I have and be able to live the best life you can. I created Loving Life With Cass so that I can connect with as many people as possible, inspire people to travel more and help as many people as I can to love life! So with that in mind, I came up with 20 adventures that I think every 20 something should cross of their bucket list.

Here are 20 adventures to go on in your 20’s: 

1. Cage Dive With Great Whites

Cage diving was one of the coolest things I have ever done, and I’ve done a lot of cool things! Watching the Great Whites was so magical. I recommend enjoying this adventure in Cape Town, South Africa. It is where I jumped in the cage and it was so perfect and they take you where they film Discovery’s Shark Week.

2. Hike in the Rocky Mountains

This mountain range is one of North America’s most beautiful natural wonders. I highly recommend visiting the Canadian side of the Rockies. Book a trip and explore Yoho National Park in BC, and Banff National Park in Alberta.

3. Camp in the Outback

Australia is my all-time favourite country and I think it is a great place for any 20 something to spend some time. If you love camping, then you need to spend some time camping in the outback. Admire the red sand, wild wildlife, and see some crazy views of the stars. It is also a great country to visit if it is your first time overseas because it is similar to Canada and America but different enough that you are going to learn, grow and have great stories to tell.

4. Learn to Surf

Surfing is one of my favourite past times. It is the perfect mix of adrenaline and calming relaxation. You can surf all over the world, I would recommend the Sunshine Coast, Australia, or Tofino, Canada. Pick a country, book a lesson and catch some waves. 

5. Go on a volunteer trip where you help the environment.

Travel the world and save the planet, how can that get better? There are thousands of volunteer programs, located all over the world that work hard to help the environment.

6. Go on a volunteer trip where you help animals.

If you love animals, and would love the chance to see them up close and personal in the wild, then you need to volunteer with a charity that help animals. You can volunteer to work with sea turtles, asian elephants, big cats and more.

7. Go on a volunteer trip where you help people. 

Volunteering with a non-profit that helps people is one of the best things you can do. You will be giving back, learning about a different culture and growing so much.

8. Take a trip where you learn a new skill

While I was travelling I met this awesome Canadian who was travelling to a bunch of countries and in each country she went to she would learn a new skill that was related to that country. i.e while she was in Rome she took a cooking class. Check out Vacation With An Artist for some artist you can work with around the world.

9. Visit Every Continent

Don’t just spend all your time backpacking Europe. Europe is great but try to explore countries all over the globe in your 20’s. Hit up all of the continents babes!

10. Go to a music festival!

The world has heaps of music festivals, pick one that is paying your favourite bands and dance the night away!

11. Learn to ski/snowboard

Enjoy two great winter activities and learn to either ski or snowboard or both. If you have a hard time and don’t like it, enjoy the chalet and apres ski.

12. Visit Thailand for Songkran

Songkran is Thai New Year and it is so much fun. In order to cleanse and start the new year fresh, the whole country has a giant water fight! It is seriously amazing.

13. Visit Canada, Eh?

OK, I may be biased in this one, but my home country is pretty radical and is a welcoming place for all tourists. It is the second-largest country in the world, geographically, and is beautiful from coast to coast. I highly recommend seeing as much of it as possible because each province is unique and beautiful.

14. Go on an African Safari

Lions, Rhinos and Elephants oh my! See if you can see Africa’s big 5 on a wild safari. It will be a once in a lifetime experiences fo sho!

15. Paddleboard/ kayak with whales and/or dolphins.

There is nothing more magical then seeing whales and dolphins in the wild. I recommend visiting the Big Island of Hawaii from January to April, grab a paddle board and be ready to see humpback whales and dolphin pods.

16. Try scuba diving!

Scuba diving is a must-do adventure in my books. There is so much wildlife undersea and it is a pretty cool experience to getting to explore that “world.” I recommend scuba diving at the great barrier reef, in Cairns, Australia.


Skydiving is one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had and I wish everyone would try it. The feeling of free-falling in the air is an indescribable feeling.

18. Go on a long, multi-day thru-hike.

If you feel like you need a break from your day to day life for a bit, why not spend 3 – 6 months hiking? There are some great thru-hikes all over the world. Pick a beautiful location, get good hiking shoes and submerge yourself in nature. If 3 – 6 months is too much for you, spend a week on a trail.

19. Swim in all of the oceans

If your like me and love the ocean, take some trips and tip your toes in all of the oceans.

20. Go on a sailing adventure

I always say, “When in doubt, jump on a sailboat.” Ok, I’ve never said that in my life. But, going on a sailing trip is a great idea. Check out Intrepid’s sailing adventures and book yours today.

Those are my 20 adventures I think you should live out! If you need some help bring your bucket list to life, book a one-on-one travel consultation with me today! As a travel consultant I will help customize an adventure that perfectly fits your lifestyle, hobbies and personality, and I’ll be there to listen and help you overcome any travel concerns or fears. Stop admiring other people’s pictures on social media and start making memories of your own. Book a travel consultation today and start loving life, your life, with Cass.

You are doing great!

Love you,