Hiking in Palmer Park, Colorado Springs

Hiking Colorado Palmer park     It’s just me and the Rocky Mountain wilderness of Palmer Park. I take a deep breath in and fill my lungs with fresh mountain air. I keep hiking along the trail, taking in every inch of the beauty surrounding me. I admire pine trees, big boulders and tiny, cute cacti. I’m absolutely content, alone in the nature. My head begins to fill with thrilling  thoughts of running into a black bear or mountain lion. Although this might make some hikers nervous, It makes me feel like I’m going to boil over with excitement.

     As I play out my reactions to such scenarios, my thoughts are interrupted by the stunning landscape of mountains. From this spot on the trail, I have a clear view of America’s Mountain, Pikes Peak. At 14,115 feet above sea level, Pikes Peak stands proud and majestic, overlooking the city of Colorado Springs. I stand and stare for a few minutes before continuing to explore the trails._mg_3109-copy

As I keep walking, I feel free, (and it’s not only because I’m in America) with each step I can feel the stress and uncertainties of life start to fall off my shoulders. When I first started my hike, I was worrying about my future, stressing about my job, my relationship status and car payments. Now, my brain is too busy admiring the beauty of nature to remember any of my worries. I find myself feeling thankful for the small things in life. I feel as free as the red-tailed hawks, screeching above me. Right now, it is just me, the endless sea of pine trees, winding trails and the possibility of adventure- and I am loving every minute of it.


Palmer Park Information:

HOURS: 5:00am – 9:00pm 

ADDRESS: 3650 Maizeland Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80909, United States

SIZE: More than 737 acres

SKILL LEVEL: Great for all levels

ACCESSIBILITY: Easy access (located in the heart of Colorado Springs) 

TRAILS OPEN TO: Hikers, bikers and horseback riders


     Should you ever find yourself in Colorado Springs, I strongly recommend you check out Palmer Park. The beauty of Colorado Springs is one of the many reasons that make this city my favourite in all of the U.S of A.




Enjoy my favourite city,