5 Creative Ways To Wrap Holiday Gifts

The holiday season will be here before you know it. This means that it will soon be time to start Christmas shopping for all of your favourite people. Instead of just wrapping gifts the same way you do every year, try changing it up with these 5 creative ways to wrap holiday gifts.

Every year for Christmas, since 2014, I have decorated my family’s Christmas gifts creatively. I used to hate wrapping gifts, so Christmas 2014, I decided to have some fun with it. I ended up having so much fun and created some dope wrapping ideas. My family loved my decorating ideas, so I kept the tradition going. Every year I come up with new creative ways to wrap their holiday gifts, here are 5 of my all-time favourites.

5 Creative Ways To Wrap Holiday Gifts

1. Brown paper + craft supplies

If you are tired of using the same red and green wrapping paper for your gifts, head to your local dollar store and pick up some regular, plain brown paper. While you are there, grab some craft supplies – ribbon, stuff for scrapbooking, stick-on pearls, Christmas stickers, or anything else that you want. Use the crafts to decorate your gift. Have fun with it and follow your heart. For the gifts in the photo, I just used ribbon and pearl stickers to create a lovely, Christmasy vibe.

2. Paint a picture

Another awesome way to wrap a Christmas gift, is to skip the paper, and paint a picture instead. Grab a solid colour box, white or beige work best, and some paints and paint a holiday painting. My sister loves the Grinch, so one year I painted the Grinch’s hand stealing an ornament. This is a really fun way to “wrap” a gift and a great way to have some creative time for yourself. You don’t have to be an amazing painter, just do your best and have fun with it. Pro tip: if you don’t have a solid coloured box, wrap the box in plain brown paper.

3. Create a collage

This gift wrapping option is super great if you are running out of paper. Create a collage with left over Christmas paper. It is super fun, and great to do for kids, who are just going to rip it up; One year, I actually wrapped a gift with a collage from magazine cut outs.

4. Create a Christmas scene

Another creative way to wrap holiday gifts is to hot glue a Christmas scene on to your gift. You can find cute little carol singers, ice skaters, the nativity characters, snowy trees and more at an arts and craft store or a dollar store. Start by wrapping the gift in a simple Christmas wrapping paper, like the red and white one. Next grab the hot glue gun and glue down some characters and create a Christmas scene right on your gift.

5. Write the lyrics to a Christmas carol

This is one of my favourite ways to wrap gifts. Wrap the gift with either brown or white paper, then grab a marker and write the lyrics to your favourite Christmas carol. Pro-tip; find out which Christmas carols your family and friends love and write their favourite on their gift. This is just a simple yet cute away to create the perfect wrapped gift. You can also grab some winter/Christmas craft items and hot glue them on. In this photo, I glued some mistletoe and snowflakes.

How fun, are all of these creative holiday gift wrapping options? Let me know if you decided to try any of them this holiday season. Do you have another creative way to wrap gifts? Share it with me in the comments. Need more holiday inspiration? Check out my other Holiday blogs!

Wishing you a happy, healthy and creative holiday season,