5 Ways To Get Clear On What You Want

What do you want your life to look like? I am guessing that you are having a hard time answering that question since you are reading this blog post. Getting clarity on what you want is the first and probably the most important step of manifesting your dream life. If you don’t know what it is that you are wanting then how are you going to attract it to you? How are you going to take aligned action if you don’t know what you are aligning to? 

If you are finding that you are stuck and just a little uncertain of what you actually what in each area of your life, know that you are not alone. Remember that life is a journey, and sometimes on that journey, we aren’t meant to have a destination but are meant to learn from where we are. From ages  23 – 25, I really felt like I didn’t know what I wanted. I was working a job that I hated, I had just had my heartbroken by the man I was in love with, and I wanted to move. I knew that I wanted something more from my life but I didn’t know what that was. 

To help myself during that confusing time, I did a number of activities to help get my brain flowing which eventually allowed me to get crystal clear on what I wanted. And know at 27, I am on my way to manifest every single one of my dreams. If you are struggling now, use these 5 tips to help you start to brainstorm and I know that sooner or later you will find the clarity that you need. These tips can help you get clear on your ideal partner, career life, where you want to live, the person you want to be and pretty much anything else that you need help getting clear on.

5 Ways To Get Clear On What You Want 

1. Vision Boards

People use vision boards and visualization techniques to help them accomplish goals. I love vision boards so much. I love putting them together, I love looking at them and I love using them to help me create my dream life. I think visualizing is a super useful tool and extremely beneficial and I recommend you use it to help you create your dream life whenever you can. 

I also use vision boards to help me get inspired when I am not quite sure which direction I want to go in. I guess I use vision boards as a visual brainstorming session. If you are having a hard time discovering your purpose in life, what you want in a partner, where you want to live etc.  take some time to brainstorm with photos. Using magazines, scissors, and glue, you can cut out images that you like or that represent what you would want your life to look like and create a collage with them. Ask yourself what do I love, and just start cutting images that feel good to you. When you are done analyze the photos, and see if you see if any of the images can help you to get clear on what you want. 

For example, if you are trying to get clear on what career to pursue, if you notice that your vision board has a lot of pictures of clothing, start to think of possible careers that have to do with fashion: designer, fashion photographer, start your own clothing company, fashion blogger, personal stylist, retail manager etc. Maybe you also notice that you added a lot of nature photos because you love the environment and are passionate about environmental conservation. Start to think about how you could combine your passion for the environment and fashion together. Maybe you could start a sustainable fashion company, work for a sustainable fashion company, work for a non-profit, work for a sustainable blogger etc. 

The point of this exercise is to get you thinking, so don’t be afraid to let your creative juices flow, you never know where they will lead. 

Alternatively, you could create a digital vision board on Pinterest, Canva or just screenshot photos and save them on your phone.   

2. Journaling 

Taking some time to journal is a great way to get your mind clear and help you to figure out what you want in life. Grab a piece of paper and pen and go through these questions. Start by taking a few cleansing deep breaths and get your mind focused. Be honest with yourself and see where the answers take you. Remember that there are no wrong answers here and it is more than safe to be honest with yourself.

  • Start by taking an audit of your life right now. Go through each area of your life i.e. relationships, home, work, health etc. What areas of your life do you love? What areas of your life do you want to change? 
  • What things and activities make you come alive? 
  • What hobbies do you enjoy?
  • What issues are you passionate about? 
  • How do you want your career to make you feel? 
  • What do you want your lifestyle to look like?
  • What does your dream relationship look like? What does it feel like? 
  • If you could do anything in the world right now, what would you do? 
  • List 5 – 10 role models you have. Why do you look up to them? How do they make the world a better place?
  • Close your eyes and imagine yourself 5 years from now. What are you doing? Who are you with? Where are you? How does this make you feel? 
  • Close your eyes and imagine someone gave you 1 million to enhance your life? What are you going to do with it? 

3. Paying attention to your thoughts and feelings 

Our feelings can show us some awesome things like what we enjoy and what you do not. If you are feeling stuck and kind of confused about what you want your life to look like, start consciously paying attention to your thoughts and feelings. Pay attention to what triggers you to feel lost. Use your feelings to find the clarity you are looking for. 

4. Try new things + put yourself out there

If you do not know what you want in life, a great place to start is to try new things and put yourself out there. Start to figure what your is best life looks like by adding new things to your existing one. Sign up for a design course, take an art class, learn how to code, pick up a psychology book, go to a different bar to hang out, delete Tinder and start talking to attractive strangers in public like it’s the 90’s. 

Chances are one of the reasons why you don’t know what you want your life to look like is because you haven’t opened yourself up enough to find it. By learning a new skill, changing up your routine and taking a risk you’ll be on your way to discovering what you really want in life. 

A great, affordable resource to help you learn new skills is Skillshare. They have millions of classes on thousands of different topics. Search for a topic that you are interested in and start an online course today. If you don’t know what new skill you should start, take a minute to browse through Skillshares recommended courses and watch a few course previews. If you start one subject and realize you don’t like it, ditch it and start a new one until you find something that you like. 

5. Block out the negativity 

Negativity sucks. When you are trying to figure out what you want to create in your life, it is a good idea to be as positive and open as possible. Remove all the negative energy out of your life. Whether it is a person, habit or limiting belief that you carry, you need to let it go. Surround yourself with more positive people, start smudging palo santo, and create a morning routine so that you can incorporate more positive habits into your day. This might look a little different for each person, but the most important thing is that you eliminating the negative vibes. 

I hope these tips help you to get clear on want you what your life to look like so that you can manifest all of your wildest dreams. If these tips help you, please let me know what you decided to create in your life. Write in the comments on our send me an email or DM on Instagram.  You are doing great, and I’m excited to see where life takes you.

Love you always,